Multimedia Poetry Evaluation
I learned some more about how to use Windows Movie Maker. I am quite good now in using Movie Maker and I also know how to solve some problems I encountered which are internal faults in the program. I also figured out how to solve some problems with the format, animation and colors. It took me a while to realize that I can blur the background picture in order to make the text more legible. I could have used the color red but I didn’t think it would go with the color scheme.
I am quite satisfied with my plan, design and final product. My plan was very detailed, and although I didn’t follow everything exactly as intended, overall I still got most of it done on time as expected. I also followed most of my design specification, but throughout the creation of the video I realized some things that I hadn’t considered before, and changed some things accordingly.
I am very satisfied with my final product. I got many positive comments from parents and teachers, and also one or two students. I was the only student who chose a serious political subject, and I am very content with the result.
One of the challenges in this project was the decision at the beginning. I thought that I would not use the poem I had at first intended to, because I thought that the regular rhyme scheme would look very strange but it wasn’t as bad as I had expected when I decided to use the poem anyway. Some other problems were mainly a lot of minor ones that I encountered with Windows Movie Maker, a program that has many faults, such as not letting the music correspond with the video, and so on.
The least challenging was finding the pictures, and setting up the video. It was fun to do, and I had everything in mind of what it would look like. I knew what kind of pictures I would use and could imagine the video in the end.
I didn’t us my time in class as efficiently as I could have, I also did all of the video at home.
I would give myself a good grade for the design, but since I chose a completely different subject than my peers it is very difficult for me to compare.
I would have changed some more minor things, but I didn’t because in the end I didn’t have the time or the patience. Also, it was very difficult for me to find music so I settle with what I had. In my mind, I had the perfect soundtrack to the video but I couldn’t find anything like that anywhere. I was worried that my soundtrack wouldn’t go well with the movie, or change some things about it.
I think next time I will try to find another program besides movie maker to make my video on, as it has too many faults.
This was my favorite project this year, and I think it was very interesting and fun to do. It was an interdisciplinary unit and quite educational. I don’t think anything should be changed in this project.